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Eye Care Services

eye doctor in houstonEye Care Services in Houston, TX

From eye exams and contact lens fittings, to Lasik pre/post-op care and corneal mapping, our optometrists provide comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages. We also treat a range of conditions such as glaucoma, the diabetic eye, and macular degeneration.

Our services include:

  • Learn more about what problems can be spotted with an eye exam, what’s involved in a comprehensive exam, and special considerations for kids and contacts.
  • Early identification of a child's vision problem is crucial.
  • Did you know your optometrist can help you with red eyes, pink eye, or sore eyes?  You don't have to go to your primary care physician for help with these issues.
  • Including Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, and Cataracts.
  • A non-invasive medical imaging technique for mapping the surface curvature of the cornea, the outer structure of the eye.
  • Used to detect diseases such as diabetes and macular degeneration, it is critical to confirming the health of the retina, optic nerve and other retinal structures.
  • Dry eyes result from the chronic lack of lubrication and moisture on the surface of the eye, which can cause minor irritations, an inability to wear contact lenses and an increased risk of corneal inflammation and eye infections.
  • This service offers early detection of potential eye and vision problems at no cost regardless of income or ability to pay. It is a one-time, comprehensive eye and vision assessment for babies, usually conducted between the ages of 6 and 12 months.
  • Look to us for co-management of LASIK, cataract, and other ocular surgery.
  •  Try Latisse™  for longer, thicker lashes.
  • Eye injuries range from the very minor such as getting soap in your eye, to the catastrophic such as chemical exposures or lacerations, which could result in permanent loss of vision. Find out when to seek immediate medical care.
  • Annual eye exams are vital to maintaining your vision and overall health. We offer the optomap® Retinal Exam as an important part of our eye exams.
  • Orthokeratology, or "ortho-k," is the process of reshaping the eye with specially-designed rigid gas permeable contact lenses. The goal of ortho-k is to flatten the front surface of the eye and thereby correct mild to moderate amounts of nearsightedness and astigmatism.
  • Sports eyewear can give you the performance edge you're seeking for just about any sport (tennis, racquetball, etc.) or recreational activity (hunting, fishing, etc.). It can also provide the safety and eye protection you need as well.
  • Measures the quality of your side vision (peripheral vision). Usually involves covering one eye and focusing the other on a fixed point in front of you, while describing what you can see on the “periphery” of your vision. 
  • Glaucoma testing involves measuring internal eye pressure and a detailed scan of the retina for signs of disease.